Domaine de Fremigny - Bouray-sur-Juine

Adresse: 91850 Bouray-sur-Juine, France.

Spécialités: Hôtel.

Avis : Cette entreprise a 3 avis sur Google My Business.
Avis moyen: 3/5.

Emplacement de Domaine de Fremigny

Domaine de Fremigny 91850 Bouray-sur-Juine, France

Le Domaine de Fremigny, situé à 91850 Bouray-sur-Juine, France, es un establecimiento que ofrece alojamiento de calidad. Con una puntuación media de 3/5 en opiniones de Google My Business, este lugar tiene mucho que ofrecer a sus huéspedes.

El teléfono del Domaine de Fremigny no está actualmente disponible, pero su página web ofrece información útil sobre sus instalaciones y servicios. Este lugar es conocido por ser un Hôtel, lo que significa que puedes esperar un alojamiento cómodo y relajante.

Las especialidades del Domaine de Fremigny incluyen una amplia gama de servicios y comodidades diseñadas para satisfacer las necesidades de sus huéspedes. Desafortunadamente, no hay información adicional disponible en este momento sobre las instalaciones y servicios específicos ofrecidos por el establecimiento.

El Domaine de Fremigny tiene una ubicación conveniente y accesible, lo que lo hace fácilmente alcanzable para los huéspedes que buscan un lugar para alojarse en la zona.

En cuanto a las opiniones, hay tres opiniones disponibles en Google My Business en este momento. La media de opinión es de 3/5, lo que indica que los huéspedes han tenido una experiencia mixta en el establecimiento.

En resumen, si estás buscando un lugar cómodo y relajante para alojarte en la zona de Bouray-sur-Juine, France, el Domaine de Fremigny podría ser una opción a considerar. Aunque la información disponible es limitada en este momento, las opiniones de los huéspedes indican que es un lugar decente para alojarse. Para obtener más información, visita la página web del establecimiento y planifica tu estancia en el Domaine de Fremigny.

Avis de Domaine de Fremigny

Domaine de Fremigny - Bouray-sur-Juine
Miranda Milbrett

Please do your business and employees the favor and look else where.. This hotel/convention center is not what one would expect, in-fact the photoshopping on their website is outstanding. The restaurant, better described as a cafeteria is only open during certain times of the day. If your looking for anything to eat outside of the restaurant hours, you won't find anything. The location is in the middle of no where and an hour away from downtown Paris. There are no taxis and if you do schedule one it will cost you around $200 to get back to the city. Our room was beyond disgusting! Please read the reviews as every single negative review is true! The staff wasn't helpful, in fact when I asked to upgrade my room and pay the additional cost, I was told all the rooms are the same. This was a complete lie! The room I was given had dead bugs on the floor and on the walls. The pillows had black mold on the pillowcases! If you're afraid of bedbugs, DON'T STAY HERE! The bed had spider webs and dust! Walls were marked up and not washed. The room had no AC and smells like a musty basement. There is no Americano Coffee, only Espresso. There are vending machines with nothing but sugar! The vending machines only take coins and don't bother asking the front desk because they'll refuse to help convert dollars to coins. The wifi is beyond weak, similar to dial up. If you plan to watch a movie or download anything, it won't work. There were no printers or work stations. The bar only has two types of beer, however; the bar tender was a delight to be around. He was helpful and kind. In all honesty he was the only one who seemed to know proper hospitality! This is clearly a work only establishment, DO NOT BRING YOUR SPOUSES! If I could describe this place in one word it would be "cheap". If I had to describe my stay, It's a white collar prison! This review may sound harsh but it's all honesty and as a company looking to host your employees, DON'T STAY HERE unless you're willing to leave a bad representation of your companies values.

Domaine de Fremigny - Bouray-sur-Juine
Franck Cornieres

Domaine de Fremigny - Bouray-sur-Juine
Jérémy lopez

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